Important announcement will be made here from time to time, please check back often.
- Text: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (11th Edition) by Boyce, Diprima and Mead, Wiley (2017)
- Jin Feng’s Office: 510 Snow Hall,
- Email:
- Office hour: Tuesday, Thursday afternoon (currently by appointment, a more definitive schedule TBA).
- Lecture time: Tuesday and Thursday. 9:30-10:45 am at Learned Hall, Room 2112 (Note the room change, effective Jan 28, 2022).
- Email:
- Grader: Quoc Viet Le (Email: )
- Please pay close attention to various timelines (add/drop/last day of refund, etc) by University Academic Calendar
- In particular, Spring break is March 14- 20th.
- EXAMS (tentative schedule) According to current plan, all exams are given in the lecture room, you can have a one-page cheat sheet, closed book, no calculator.
- First Midterm (during lecture time): Feb 24th. Coverage: Ch 1.1,1.2,1.3, Ch 2.1, 2.2,2.3,2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8;
- Second Midterm (during lecture time): April 5th. Coverage: Ch 3.1,3.2, 3.3., 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 6.1, 6.2;
- Final: 7:30 -10:00 am on May 12th (Thursday) (according to university schedule): Coverage : Ch 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6. Ch 7.1- 7.9, plus everything we have discussed in the semester.
- If there is any conflict of the exam or test(s) with your religious obligations or other matters, please contact me at least a week in advance.
- If you need special accommodation, please send me (electronically) all documents in beginning of the semester.
- Weekly homework assignment (subject to change, frequently updated, please check back often).Homework is due by midnight on the due date, no late homework is accepted. Homework grade is purely based on correctness of your solutions. Please submit homework electronically to the grader through the Canvas system.
- Homework schedule : Please refer to this course in the university’s CANVAS system.
- Grading policy: Homework, 30 percent; Midterm 1, 20 percent; Midterm 2, 20 percent; Final, 30 percent. A: 90 -100, B: 80-90, C:70-80, D: 60-70, F: 0 – 59.